over 30 years
Completely dedicated to excellence
A home is one of the single most important purchases any family or individual will ever make in their lifetime, and in turn, we treat it as such. We believe that the service we provide to our purchasers is a direct reflection of the skills and attitudes of our team as a whole.
For over 30 years our mandate at Claysam Homes has been complete dedication to excellence in service to our home-buyers.
Our Current
Elmira Country Club Estates
Towns, semis and singles in quaint and beautiful Elmira.
Plattsville Estates
Quiet country living less than 20 minutes from Kitchener featuring towns and singles.
For a Limited Time!
FREE Stainless Steel Kitchen Appliance Package
Included in ALL Ready-to-Go Homes
Claysam offers you Inventory Homes that are ready-to-go giving you a new home with the benefit of quick closing times.
Home Care
The quality of service you receive is the foundation on which trust is built. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your new Claysam home, please reach out to our Customer Care Department and one of our customer services representatives will get back to you.